Monday, August 16, 2010

Whatever Happened to Cree Summer?

Don't know about you but I use to be and still am  a huge fan of the sitcom "A Different World". I watch re-runs whenever I can. My favorite of course was the character Freddie Brooks played by the awesome Cree Summer. Not only did the free spirited Freddie have some pretty crazy awesome style, but I loved how she was always taking a stand on political issues and speaking her mind. She wasn't afraid to be different and didn't care if people thought she was weird. After the show ended Cree came out with her debut album titled "Street Faerie". This is an album I still listen to. I'll be honest, I didn't and still don't think she has the most amazing voice. Her voice wasn't really what captured me, it was purely her lyrics. Oh and of course I can't forget to mention that Lenny Kravitz helped produce it, and I am Lenny fan! I first started listening to this album during a time when I was really trying to figure out who I was. I could relate to almost every song. How refreshing it was to hear her approach on different life experiences. The minute I purchased it, I must have played it for almost a month.

So where is Cree these days? I know she does voice over's for cartoon characters. I wonder if she still sings. Wish she would put out another album. Below is the first video she made for the single Revelation of my favorite's. I believe her album can still be purchased on itunes. The quality of this video is not that great, still I think you'll get the picture.  Enjoy!