Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stepping It Up A Notch

So this year I am making a point to really listen to my mind and body. These days I'm eating healthier and going to the gym. I'm obssessed with skin and hair care, so I am drinking more water .  I've been taking a kick ass Zumba class. I find myself drenched in sweat afterwards. I highly recommend Zumba. I'm also looking into yoga, yes I know I am late in the game when it comes to yoga. Been wanting to try it out for years, but due to laziness I have failed to do so. For peace of mind, I am learning to smile more. I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but I've noticed and I've been told on a few occasions that I need to smile more often. I tend to not make eye contact with people , and I tend to walk around with the I hate the world, so don't mess with me look lol.....not cute! So for the past couple of weeks, I have really been trying to make a conscious effort to smile, and so far so good. It feels great, I actually feel like a weight has been lifted, thus giving me and others I might add peace of mind.  Trust me when I say a smile can go a long way :-)

I've also been wearing my hair more in its natural state. My hair has actually been free of chemicals since 2003, however due to major heat damage my once past my shoulder length hair is now just above my shoulders due to breakage. I'll go further into detail about that later. Wearing my hair completely natural has been a very liberating experience for me. I feel more confident and I am learning something new every day.

Till next time. Below is a really old school pic of one of my more serious faces.

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